Sustainability Certification
A greener world is what we all want. What greener means is different in all areas of the world. It could even mean different things in different districts of the same country. That is why there is a whole array of individual green and sustainable certification labels. The creation of your own certification schemes is a cornerstone functionality of Zertrace.
Recognized schemes
ISO 140xx
PAS 2060
Argiculture Bioloqique
Aquaculture Stewardship Council
Australian Forest Certification
C.A.F.E. Practices
CSA Sustainable Forest Management
Food Alliance Certified
Green Globe Cerification
Marine Stewardship Council
RSPO Certified Sustainable Palm Oil
RTRS Certified Soy
UTZ Certified
And more…
Can’t find your scheme?
There are many schemes, so the change that we named all of them is slim. To make sure you can use the Zertic system for all schemes we created upload sheets.With these upload sheets, you can create your own schemes. This offers a multitude of unique advantages, such as:
- Version management
- Version updates
- Predefined answers
- Instructions for the auditors
- Change the layout and the orders of questions
Once you made a scheme you can reuse it indefinitely. Once you update the scheme, you can choose to create a separate version, this can be used when the scheme itself changes. More information about the upload sheets can be found here.