Certification sales process software



Sales has everything to do with the attraction and organization of clients. The sales process fills the CRM with new clients through online sign-up forms, or by manual input. These clients are sorted in a sales flow for a clear overview of the acquisition activities. The process also automates a great part of the quotation process.



When a new client fills in an online acquisition form the data is imported into the sales process. All new clients are collected in a sales workflow. With a drag and drop system the employees organize the customer journey. The clients are updated throughout the journey with automated emails. When a lead is qualified the system can generate an automated quote. The system uses the information from the CRM, scope and predicted hours to automatically generate a quote. When the customer accepts the quote, an employee can simply drag and drop the client into the last step. The client’s audit can now be planned.



Standards have detailed requirements when it comes to quote creation. Zertic enables you to embed all formulas in the pricelist so each quote will be inline with the accreditation standard. The formulas are based on the variable data that is given by the client. The result is a calculated quote with hours like onsite and offsite hours, registration fees and other related costs. Based on your pricelist the full budget is calculated.

After the final audit or before the certificate expires, Zertic will alert the sales team to renew the quote of the next assignment. The sales team can choose to take over the data from the previous quote or from the final invoice. In this case, the quote is based on the actual hours, scope or complexity of the audit.

In some cases the client decides to partly accept the quote and leave the rest of the quote in “backorder”. Most of the time this is done via a remark on the quote itself or in an email. Zertic doesn’t require the create a complete new quote and resend it to the client. You can select the accepted audits and confirm these for the next phase: the planning. The remaining offered audits can be in backorder or can be cancelled.