fully managed.

You can stop worrying about deadlines, scheduling the right team, endless reporting activities, keeping up with accreditation rules, and increasing costs due to complexity. We do it for you!

Beter Leven keurmerk (Better Life quality label)

The Beter Leven keurmerk (Better Life quality label) of the Dutch Society for the Protection of Animals (SPA) demonstrates that you care about animal welfare. Kiwa VERIN certifies livestock farmers, processing companies and the retail sector. For example Turkey Chain director Laying hens Logistics service provider Egg packing station with/without IKB (ICC) Retail with processor Branch/Headquarters Slaughterhouse/abattoir Back tracking Broiler chickens Processors

The complete flow, content and management of this standard is optimized by our loyal clients and standard owners!

You will get the following right from the start:

  • Quoting and price calculation
  • Timely planning audits
  • Automatic generation of questionnaire
  • Standard reports
  • Client portal for all audit information
  • Client portal for following up NC’s
  • Automatic generation of Certificate
  • Multi-lengual standard
  • Review flow
  • Managed competencies

W I T H   Z E R T I C   S C H E M E S

Find out how Zertic can reduce your overhead,
manage deadlines and improve your quality.