Certification non-conformity software

Non Conformities

Once a non-conformity is detected the system creates a workflow for it. This workflow captures all the communication about, and follow ups on, the non-conformity. Non-conformities are presented in the follow-up audits and in the Certification module. This way the current status of a non-conformity is presented at the moment you need it.



When a requirement has not been met the system creates a separate workflow. To manage all the non-conformities the system provides a dashboard where all insight is presented. Due to all automatic reminders and follow-ups, no deadline should be missed by the client and your certification body. The review of mitigating actions is done through a client portal where the client uploads their evidence.

The client manages their own non-conformities through a dedicated portal. The client has access to their non-conformity dashboard. Here they can upload their evidence.


A non-conformity can be created from a multiple of control points. When the system notifies a non-conformity, it automatically creates a non-conformity workflow. In this workflow the auditor can combine multiple control points to a single non-conformity. The client will be informed which control points are associated with the non-conformity so he can take, and report, the required mitigating action.

Some standards require upscaling of non-conformities. This upscaling, from minor to major, happens when the due date for mitigation is expired. Per standard and type of non-conformity you can determine if automatic upscaling is required and executed.

Clients can create an objection or appeal to the reported non-conformities. Depending on the standard different workflows will be triggered. These objections and appeals are managed in a separate module to keep the non-conformity process managed. In each non-conformity overview it is visible if an object or an appeal is related and what the latest status is.