Internal Control Systems for group certification
How confident are you in relation to your current quality assurance systems? Have organic farming operations run smoothly or have you encountered problems on occasion? What about individual members of your organisation? These are some of the issues which are regularly examined by internal control systems for group certification. In the event that a third-party certification inspection is required, it only stands to reason that no compliance issues should be present. As it is difficult to obtain such oversight through the sole use of in-house techniques, managers and organic farming cooperatives will frequently work in tandem with group certification ICS services. What benefits can your firm enjoy with the help of this strategy?
ICS for Group Certification: Transparency and Quality Control
Internal control systems for group certification have been created to ensure that farmers and food producers can gain access to the organic marketplace in accordance with EU organic regulations. Businesses that fail to become certified will not be allowed to leverage the scope of this marketplace and their reputation will inevitably suffer as a result.
Thankfully, ICS for group certification solutions will provide stakeholders with the assurance that all internal systems (and individuals) are functioning as they should be. Let us also remember that it can be difficult to know which certifications are needed (based around the intended end-user market). By ensuring that all farmers adhere to the same set of standards, internal control systems are often applied to a single group. The members of this group are inspected at least once every year; leading to greater levels of transparency and reducing compliance-related faults.

Obtaining a Firm Foundation Within a Tightly Controlled Marketplace
We need to remember that it can be difficult to gain access into organic marketplaces. Firms or groups that fail to adhere to stringent regulations could soon find themselves cut off from a potentially lucrative client base. If you are not satisfied with your current quality control methods or should you be hoping to expand your ongoing operations, group certification ICS represents a valuable tool at your disposal. Contact us directly to learn more about your options.